Click the names below to read the official statements of these churches in either Indonesian or English language.
The Churches affected include: 1. Gereja Kristen Jawi Wetan [English]East Java Christian Church 2. Huria Kristen Batak Protestan-Pogot [English]Pogot Batak Protestant Christian Church 3. Gereja Protestan Indoneia Barat Cahaya Kasih [English]Light of Love Western Indonesia Protestant Church 4. Gereja Bethel Indonesia Firman Hayat [English]Living Word Indonesian Bethel Church 5. Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia [English]Calvary Christians & Missions Alliance Church 6. Gereja Pantekosta Tabernakel [English]Pentecostal Tabernacle Church 7. Persekutuan Doa Gereja Bethel Indonesia [English]Indonesian Bethel Church Prayer Fellowship 8. Gereja Sidang Jemaat Pantekosta di Indonesia Bukit Zion [English]Mount Zion Indonesian Pentecostal Assembly 9. Gereja Pantekosta di Indonesia, Jl. Jatisrono [English]Jatisrono Street Indonesian Pentecostal Church
Joint Statements of Christian organizations in Indonesia regarding the incidents: 1. Organisasi Kemasyarakatan dan Yayasan Kristen di Kodya Surabaya [English]Para-Churches and Christian NGOs in Surabaya 2. PIKI, GAMKI, dan GMKISome of the English version of the transcripts are not available right now, they are still being translated and will be made available soon.
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Some pictures had been taken a few days after the incidents. To see these picture, please click here.
Responding to this incident, a joint effort by the International Christian Community has launched a Letter of Deep Concern to the President of Indonesia, (Ret.) General Suhartotimes, since 4:00 pm CST, June 21, 1996.
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