The "Pekabaran Injil Church" (Gereja Pekabaran Injil), Jatiwangi - West Java was destroyed on the February 12, 1998 |
The "Pentecostal Church in Indonesia" (Gereja Pantekosta di Indonesia), Jatiwangi - West Java. The front side of the church building was destroyed by the mass on the February 12, 1998
The "Indonesia Christian Church" (Gereja Kristen Indonesia), Jatiwangi - West Java, was destroyed by the mass at 09.00 AM on the February 12, 1998 |
The parish retail shops in Jatiwangi, West Java, were burnt by the mass on the February 13, 1998 |
For safety, people wrote "Moslem" or "Islam" on their front doors, Jatiwangi - West Java, February 12, 1998 |
The roof-tile factory was burnt by the mass, Jatiwangi - West Java, February 12, 1998 |
The "Indonesia Christian Church" (Gereja Kristen Indonesia), Pamanukan West Java, was destroyed by the mass on the February 13-14, 1998 |
The "Maria Pembantu Abadi" Catholic Church in Pamanukan - West Java, was destroyed by the mass on the February 13-14, 1998 |
The pastor's house, musical instruments and church's belongings of "Filadelfia" Indonesian Bethel Church were destroyed and stolen, Pamanukan - West Java, February 13-14, 1998 |
The Pentecostal Church in Indonesia (Gereja Pentakosta di Indonesia) was destroyed by the mass, Pamanukan - West Java, February 13, 1998. |
The "Kemah Daud" Christian Church was destroyed by the mass,
Pamanukan - West Java, February 13-14, 1998 |
The Pasundan Christian Church, Sukamandi - West Java, was burnt
down on the February 13, 1998 |
The Pentecostal Church in Indonesia, Sukamandi - West Java, was burnt down by the mass at 12.00 AM on the Februaru 13, 1998 |
The "Filadelfia" Pentecostal Church in Indonesia, Jamblang - West Java was destroyed (the church's glasses) by the mass on the February 16, 1998 |
The Indonesian Christian Church, Jamblang - West Java was stoned and destroyed by the mass on the February 16, 1998 |
The Stasi "Paska Kristus" of the Catholic Church, West Losari - Central Java was destroyed by the mass on the February 16, 1998 |
The Pentecostal Church in Indonesia, Patrol - West Java was destroyed by the mass on the February 17, 1998 |
The pastor's house of Pentecostal Church in Indonesia, West Losari - Central Java, was destroyed by the mass on the February 16, 1998 |
The Pentecostal Church in Indonesia, Losari - Central Java, was
destroyed by the mass on the February 15, 1998 |
The "Bintang Laut" Catholic Church , Eretan - West Java, was
destroyed by the mass on the February 17, 1998 |
The Seventh Day Adventist Church, Eretan - West Java, was
destroyed by the mass on the February 17, 1998 |
The worship room of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Eretan - West Java. All church valuable things were taken out and burnt, February 17, 1998 |
The Pentecostal Church in Indonesia, Pusaka Negara - West Java,
was stoned by the mass on the February 17, 1998 |
Here are some stones that have been collected from the Pentecostal Church in Indonesia, Pusaka Negara - West Java, February 17, 1998 |