Church and Human Rights Persecution in Indonesia


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Sanggauledo1.jpg (143382 bytes)
Tribal war between Madurese and the Dayak at Sanggauledo - Kalimantan between December 1996 and January 1997.
These are the HEADS of Madurese women which were beheaded by the Dayaks and they were paraded around town, watched and cheered by the Dayak people. The Madurese from their home island ( Madura) sent hundreds of their people to Kalimantan (Borneo) for joinning the war. They were sent in waves, but not a single person return because they were ambushed and killed as soon as they reached shore by the awaiting Dayak.
This tribal war was a barbaric act just like the one happened in Poso, Palu, Ambon.

Perang antar suku Madura dan Dayak di Sanggauledo - Kalimantan pada bulan Desember 1996 hingga Januari 1997.
Gambar dua kepala wanita madura dipotong oleh suku Dayak dan diarak keliling kota disaksikan warga Dayak sambil bersuka-ria. Penduduk Madura mengirimkan ratusan warganya dengan naik perahu ke Kalimantan untuk maju berperang. Mereka dikirim secara bergelombang. Tapi tak satupun yang kembali karena begitu kapal pertama tiba, langsung dicegat di tepi pantai dan langsung dibantai. Begitu pula kapal kedua dan seterusnya. Sampai menghabiskan ratusan nyawa suku Madura yang didatangkan dari pulaunya.
Perang antar suku ini adalah perang secara biadab alias bar-bar seperti halnya di Poso, Palu, Ambon karena rata-rata orang luar pulau Jawa peradabannya kalah maju dibanding penduduk yang tinggal semakin dekat pusat pemerintahan.

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Prepared by Fica-Net,, Last updated: 04/24/99
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