11/01/1998 |
The slaughter of police officers in Bangkalan. |
The arrest of the wanted motorcycle thief whose
name is Musa. |
Three police officers were persecuted to death
by the furious crowd. |
The crowd became furious after listening to Musa
who shouted from the loudspeaker of the small mosque saying that there was a ninja chasing
him (at the time, the issue of ninja killing people who were suspected as witch doctors
was frightening the people). Source: Suara Pembaruan, 11/2/1998. |
11/13/1998 |
The riot in Semanggi, Jakarta. |
The demonstration of the students who demanded
the special assembly of the People's Consultative Council (MPR) to be cancelled. |
- The clash between the students from several universities with police officers and
people's security force.
- The shootings by the police officers, which killed 4 college-students and 1 high-school
student, and injured approximately 184 people.
 | The condition of Jakarta was like the city of war. |
 | There were provocateurs who persuaded the students to behave anarchic. |
 | A member of people's security force was assaulted and killed by the crowd. |
Source: Spot News Eskol-Net, 11/13/1998; Surya, 11/15/1998. |
11/14/1998 |
The act of damaging and looting in Jakarta. |
The result of the event at 11/13/1998 in
Semanggi. |
 | At 10:30 At "Salemba Raya" road: |
 | Three cars were burned. |
 | Ten people were injured. |
 | At 11:30: |
 | Ten thousands of students filled the building of the People's Consultative Assembly/the
House of Representatives (MPR/DPR). |
 | At "Sudirman" road: |
* One car was burned.
* Five people were injured.
* The crowd beat up three police officers.
* One marine was shot at his thigh.
 | At 12:00 At "Senen" market and Pecenongan, 25 people were injured in
physical fight. |
 | At 13:00 At the area of Menteng: |
 | The crowd surrounded the police sector office in Menteng. |
 | The crowd burned two cars of police officers. |
 | Three police officers were injured. |
 | At 15:00 At "Hayam Wuruk" road: |
 | Twenty cars were burned. |
 | Stores and houses were plundered. |
 | Bank was damaged. |
Jakarta's Territorial Military Commander, Mayor
General Djaja Suparman recommended the people of Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi and Depok not
to go out from their house after 22:00, starting from Saturday, 11/14/1998. Source:
Surya, 11/15/1998. |
11/19/1998 |
The prison of Lowokwaru, Kota Madya Malang (KMM). |
The clash among prisoners. |
Five prisoners were shot with rubber bullets. |
The riot for the fourth time. |
11/20/1998 |
The riot at the shrimp pond in Linduk village,
subdistrict of Ponang, Serang. |
Happened on Friday night, 11/20/1998, when
hundreds of people from Linduk village were about to gather the remainder of the shrimp
harvest. This practice has been a tradition for the local people; they have the permission
from the owner of the shrimp pond, Edi Takino. However, when hundreds of people went to
the pond, Sul, the chief corporal and the member of the region military command of Pontang
prohibited them by harsh words, even rattan beatings and kicking. |
 | Eight people were injured. Among them was Ms. Rohanah with torn wound in her face
because of the treatment of Sul. |
 | The office and housing of the company were damaged. |
The chief corporal, Sul was suspected to be the
trigger of the riot. |
11/21/1998 |
The bloody incident in the Regional House of
Representatives Level I (DPRD I) in Bengkulu. |
The effort of students to lower the flag halfway
at the building of DPRD I. |
Twenty-five students from University of Bengkulu
(Unib) and eleven members of the Mobile Brigades (Brimob) and riot control troops (Dalmas)
were injured. |
Colonel Police Drs Agussalim Djamil, the
regional chief police of Bengkulu, promised to bring a complete investigation and take a
firm action against police members who acted out of command, and against students who were
involved in damaging the DPRD's official cars and in attacking the officers. Source:
Suara Pembaruan |
11/22/1998 -11/23/1998 |
The riot in Ketapang, Jakarta |
 | At 02:00, there was a fight between Ambonese (guard of gambling house) and those from
Ketapang (fighting for the parking-lot territory) |
 | Around 08:00, there was a rumor that a mosque was torched by Christian Ambonese. This
caused the crowd furious, which led to the destruction, burning and looting of churches
and several other public facilities. |
 | Twenty-two churches destroyed, burned, and plundered. |
 | Six Christian and Catholic schools damaged and torched. |
 | One Muslim's prayer rooom damaged. |
 | Fourteen people killed. |
 | Twenty people injured. |
 | Eight houses damaged. |
 | One hotel damaged. |
 | Four bank and automatic teller machine damaged. |
 | Two stores damaged. |
 | Sixteen cars/trucks burned. |
 | Twelve cars/trucks damaged. |
 | The events of burning and destroying churches were happening on the same day, Sunday,
November 22, 1998. |
 | Most churches had been plundered. |
Source: Spot News Eskol-Net, 11/28/1998); Surya, 11/24/1998
11/25/1998 |
The riot in the regency of Pinrang, South
Sulawesi |
Not clear |
The burning of government offices, and several
social and economic dislocation. |
The trigger of the riot was the private company
which form were limited corporation (PT) and trading company (UD) used the name of
*Kospin* in its operation. |
11/25/1998 |
The riot in Porsea and Tarutung, North Tapanuli. |
The demand of closing down the paper pulp
company, PT Inti Indorayon Utama. At first, the demonstration was in order. The riot began
after the police force started to shoot the demonstrators. The situation then became out
of control. |
 | One person killed due to the persecution by the officer and staff of PT Inti Indorayon
Utama. |
 | Several demonstrators were injured due to the shootings and persecution of the officer
and staff of PT Inti Indorayon Utama. |
 | Police force caught the people, including Panuju. Before being put into the military
trucks, the captives were persecuted. |
 | Strangely, the caught demonstrators were not brought to the regional police office but
to the factory, and were given over to the staff of PT Inti Indorayon Utama. Together with
the officer, the staff of PT Inti Indorayon Utama beaten up the caught demonstrators. At
evening, the people then were given over to the regional police office of Taput in
Tarutung. |
 | One victim claimed that the officer shot him after asking him to face downward. |
 | Another victim was still being arrested in the regional police office of Taput in a very
critical condition, but was not sent to the hospital. |
11/30/1998 |
The riot in Kupang, NTT. |
Provocation from the event of Ketapang. |
 | Four mosques burned and five damaged. |
 | One dormitory for the Mecca pilgrimage burned. |
 | One small mosque burned. |
 | Twenty-three people's houses burned and two damaged. |
 | Three stores burned and five damaged. |
 | Seven restaurants damaged. |
 | Twenty-five cars/motorcycles were burned and damaged.
In several areas, Christians helped to defend
the mosques so that the mosques were not being the target of destruction and burning. |
12/1998 |
The riot in Palopo. |
A person was declared dead by the flying bullet
of the police force. |
 | One person dead. |
 | Seven persons injured. |
 | Thirty houses were burned. |
The fight between the people of the two villages
(Dandang village and Kampung Baru village), using their own-designed weapons (papporo
a type of bomb which explosion expels the fragments of nails). |
12/01/1998 |
The riot in Pasirjambu Ciwidey and Rancaekek,
West Java. |
 | The people of Ciwidey market were not satisfied with the building of the new market
Ciwidey. |
 | The developer was absent in the meeting with the merchants of the old market Ciwidey. |
The destruction of "Kijang" car owned
by the developer of the Ciwidey market. |
The trigger of the riot was the pros and cons on
the development of the new market Ciwidey which was built by the contractor PT Inti Sara
Pratama. |
12/05/1998 |
The riot in Situbondo |
The issue of the police releasing the suspected
kid kidnapper to the people. |
The windows and doors of the police sector office
were totally damaged. |
The case began with the people caught Trini (26
years old) on spot, whom was suspected kidnapping the kid named Mochammad Waris (2 years
old). |
12/06/1998 |
The riot in Bogor. |
Serka M Masari who shot Ilyas had badly stabbed
injuries. |
12/06/1998 |
The riot in Brebes, Central Java. |
The Functional Group (Gorkar) was having a grand
rally and "bargain" market in Brebes. A clash was occurred between Golkar
supporters and the Indonesian Democracy Party (PDI) supporters. |
12/10/1998 |
The riot of farmers in Blora, Central Java. |
There was a suspicion that the provocateurs
heated up the farmers whom could no longer bear the increasing price of fertilizers. |
12/10/1998 |
The riot in Porsea-Tarutung, North Tapanuli. |
According to the Indonesian Human Right Watch
committee, three violations occurred:
 | The violation by the police force against the people. |
 | The violation by the people against other people. |
 | The violation by the people against the police officers. |
12/13/1998 |
The riot in Solo |
The police plan to dismiss the area in the
intersection of Warung Palem which was used by the youths for a wild racing. |
 | The clash between the people and the police int "Urip Sumohardjo" road. |
 | Almost all of the traffic signs, public phones, bus stops, and police posts were burned
and damaged by the crowd. |
12/13/1998 |
The riot in Surakarta-Solo, Central Java. |
The regional police headquarter and the Armed
Forces headquarter were damaged. |
The third party was suspected to be the
provocateur of the riot. |
12/15/1998 |
The riot in Samarinda |
The strike of "angkot" drivers because
of the increasing price of their vehicle's spare parts (until 12/17/1998) |
 | One person injured because of throwing. |
 | Three cars destroyed. |
 | One vespa damaged. |
 | Tens of the Chinese-owned stores damaged and looted. |
 | The angry crowd did not target the stores given the Arabian words. |
 | After the riot, the price of the spare parts was agreed to be reduced 30 percent, but
the drivers demanded the price was to be reduced 50 percent. |
12/19/1998 |
The riot in Bekasi |
The crowd was provoked to damage churches. |
Eight churches were damaged and burned, and three
Catholic schools were burned and damaged. |
"No safety and security protection from the
police so that the churches will be responsible for their Christmas celebration." |
12/19/1998 |
The riot in Belu Kupang, NTT. |
The voting result: Drs. Marsel Bere got seventeen
votes, Dr. Saervanus Muti seven votes, and Drs. PB Letor two votes. |
12/25/1998 |
The riot in Poso |
An intoxicated young man stabbed a man named
Ridwan |
 | The house of the intoxicated young man was totally destroyed. |
 | Several restaurants and discotheques were burned. |
 | Tens of stores, motel, and liquor factory were damaged and thrown. |
The provocateurs were secured. |
12/27/1998 |
The riot in Poso, Central Sulawesi. |
The fight between Christian and Muslim youths. |
 | One church was damaged. |
 | More than hundreds of Christian houses were damaged and burned. |
 | Sixteen private buildings were burned and damaged. |
12/31/1998 |
The throwing at two churches in Sukabumi |
The crowd from outside the city of (from Jakarta)
provoked the people of Sukabumi to commit riot. |
Two churches were damaged. Windows were broken. |
The throwing was regarded as "the gift for
the new year." |
01/06/1999 |
The destruction and damaging act toward a church
in Cilacap, Central Java. |
The government and local officer urged the
church to stop their religious service and close its door because of the complaints from
the local people. The crowd destroyed the church while shouted "Allahu Akbar." |
Kerasulan Baru Church was partly burned and
partly destroyed. |
01/08/1999 |
The riot in Kerawang |
The rumor of "'ojek' driver was beaten up by
a member of the fast response unit (URC)" caused the crowd angry. |
 | Three churches were damaged. |
 | Windows were broken. |
 | Several stores were damaged. |
01/19/1999 |
The riot in Ambon |
"The exploitation by the intoxicated young
man from Batu Merah (the area of Islam majority) on a car driver caused a fight between
them." |
 | More than fifty people dead (Muslims and Christians). |
 | Fourteen churches were damaged (burned). |
 | Hundreds of houses and stores were damaged and burned. |
 | A market was damaged and burned. |
Data is still being cross-checked. |