Meky Nawipa
Bupati Paniai, Papua

Mr. Meki Nawipa served the society as a pilot for decades, and currently, he is one of the next generation Papuan national leaders. He is currently a regent (Bupati) of Paniai regency in Papua province in Indonesia. He decided to run as Bupati of Paniai because of his awareness and stand against corruption and injustice which are ravaging in the government. He has recently been praised for his leadership in handling the coronavirus crisis in his regency; he donated his own airplane in order to enable transport of all medical care and food for the various Papuan communities.
Visit his website for more information!
Samuel Tabuni

CEO of Papua Language Institute (PLI)
Samuel Tabuni is a community champion and a political leader. Holding several important positions in various organizations, he represents his community in the various councils and institutes. Pak Samuel is also the founder and CEO of the Maga Education Papua Foundation and holds the same position in the Papua Language Institute. Papua Language Institute (PLI) represents Papua’s solution to the growing demands of globalization and the resulting internationalization of Papua Pak Samuel also believes the importance of saving Papuan living languages. One of the distinguishing characteristics of Papua is its linguistic diversity. “Bahasa daerahmu adalah salah satu kunci untuk memberitahukan kepada dunia, siapa diri kamu dan darimana kamu berasal. Orang Papua harus bisa berbahasa daerah, jangan pernah malu untuk berbahasa daerah karena itu jati dirimu.” ~ Samuel Tabuni
Ev. Daniel Alexander
Pastor and Founder, Yayasan Pesat Nabire

Ev. Daniel Alexander became a follower of Christ as a teenager after followed the Father’s call to shepherd his people in 1972 inspired by Elijah, taking a role as a father to many children. In the 1990s, Daniel decided to reside in rural Nabire, Papua to and dedicate his life to the future of Papuan children as he found PESAT (Pelayanan Desa Terpadu), especially to care those who are fatherless. He has established 35 K-12 boarding schools in 9 regions, from Nabire to Jaya Wijaya, where students live and learn for free and, eventually hospitals for the community as well. Daniel and his wife, Louise embodies a life used by God as an extension of God’s love. Today, he celebrates the faithful 30 years of life and ministry to the people of Papua.
For more information, visit here!
Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi
Social reformer, Political columnist, Indian Christian philosopher, writer and lecturer

Vishal Mangalwadi, founder-president of Revelation Movement, is an Indian philosopher and social reformer. Vishal has lectured in over 40 countries, published seventeen books, and contributed chapters to many more.In 1976 along with his wife, Ruth, he founded a community to serve the rural poor in India and continued his involvement in community transformation and national political parties toward the liberation of Indian peasants. Then in 2009, Vishal initiated an education movement in Indonesia that aims to equip local churches to offer their facilities as Internet-ready college classrooms capable of delivering an online curriculum, by way of webcasts. His most recent book is This Book Changed Everything – The Bible’s Amazing Impact on Our World (2019) and produced a documentary TV series on the Bible’s role in creating the modern world (
More information available here.