Category Archives: Overseas Mission Conference

OMC 2019 Recap

OMC 2019 discussed the rise of a “new global religion” that emerges from the social justice movements and what Christians and the Church of Jesus Christ should do.

OMC 25 Recap: Reviving Faithful Indonesian Disciples

Dear FICA Family, Deep conversations with Maruchan, Panda Express trays, warm debates, and “Aha” moments are just little pieces of what makes OMC dear to our hearts each year. Behind these tradition is a legacy of “long-distance” and long-standing friendships between generations of followers of Christ that makes every OMC so rich This year is…

OMC 24 Recap: Discipleship through Real Economic Development Projects

OMC 24 Recap: Discipleship through Real Economic Development Projects

Praise be to God and to our Lord Jesus Christ, that we were able to hold our 24th Overseas Mission Conference in Chicago.  In this conference, God challenges us to recommit ourselves to discipleship and development.  God showed us a lot of needs and opportunities to make impact in Indonesia during the business development workshop.…

Soil and People: Why Sustainability Matters

Should agricultural societies such as Indonesia pursue efficient Western farming methods to achieve production goals? “Sustainable agriculture can be described in many ways — satisfying the food and income requirements of farmers, providing people with a healthy and affordable diet, protecting environmental quality and human health, and contributing to the vitality of rural and urban…

Recap: Overseas Mission Conference #23 (2016)

Recap: Overseas Mission Conference #23 (2016)

OMC Recap How can we unleash Indonesia’s potential?  All of us know the potential of Indonesia.  Indonesia has been blessed with plenty of natural resources and strategic geographical location.  President Joko Widodo and the previous presidents have crafted many policies to unleash its potential.  However, none has been successful.  Mr. Michael Sianipar, one of OMC…

OMC 22 Recap: Global Resources Local Impact

OMC 22 Recap: Global Resources Local Impact

OMC 22We just finished our annual Overseas Mission Conference (OMC) last week.  This year conference was held in Columbus, Ohio and was attended by more than 25 people.  Almost half of the attendees are new.  We were really glad meeting and connecting with our new brother and sister.

We are thankful for the leadership of Erik Tedjasaputra in this year OMC.  Erik coordinated all the logistical details well that everything ran smoothly.  We are thankful for ICF Columbus in hosting this year OMC.  We also want to thank our speakers, Mr. Jamie Winship, Mr. Kie Eng Go, Professor Daniel Kameo, Mr. Christian Sohilait, Mr. Ivan Santoso, Mr. John Wood, Mr. Kris Pribadi, Mr. Moses Mangunrahardja, and Mr. Christian Darmahkasih.

History of Temu Wicara Pelayanan Mancanegara, TPM (Overseas Ministry Conference, OMC)


In 1993 FICA felt that Indonesian Christian Conference (ICC), which had already been held eight (8) times by then, addressed an audience that was too large in scope.  As a result, many participants did not gain much from these events.  The need to make changes was felt but was not discussed thoroughly until the Fall of 1993. At the Leadership Meeting held in the Fall of 1993 in Minneapolis, MN, several other ICF leaders discussed this issue further. The discussion continued through e-mails and through further discussion FICA realized three levels of needs that should be addressed: