Category Archives: Campus Ministry

Equipping Students at Western Michigan University

Equipping Students at Western Michigan University

First campus visit of the year (2018) was kicked-off at Western Michigan University (WMU) in Kalamazoo, MI, a follow-up of a the previous visit on November last year. On March 3, we were able to meet six Papuan students leaders who are brilliant and motivated to grow in Christ. The FICA staff has been prayerfully…

Kalamazoo Trip Report

Kalamazoo Trip Report

FICA Kalamazoo Trip Report: 3 – 5 November, 2017 This trip is born out of our conviction and our admiration toward a Papuan Christian fellowship in Western Michigan University (WMU) in Kalamazoo.  We are fully convinced that God has a divine purpose for these Papuan students.  This trip has confirmed our conviction that it is…

Common Grace Presented in LM 2004 by William



All of us were born as an enemy of God, we all born as a sinner, yet we still come with well functioning eyes, lungs and heart; that is common grace. Donald Grey Barnhouse once mentioned that common grace is when we are not a believer in Christ and yet we are still out of hell; when we are not in hell, but we are on earth in good health and prosperity; when we are not fleeing as refugees along the highways of a country desolated by war; when we are able to put our hand in our pocket and give a kid a quarter or a half dollar for an allowance. It is common grace that we have such abundance.

Church Presented in LM 1999





Where does the church begin? Some believe that the bible defines church from the very beginning or from Adam and so on. Therefore, they include O.T. traditions in their practices. Others use the definition derived from N.T., where church started from the Day of Pentecost. They distinct N.T. church from the O.T. church which is Israel. The basis of the definition is primarily from Jesus’ teaching on the church, the epistles, and Rev 1-3. [McCALDeL02]…

Christian World View and Productive Community (Presented in LM 2004)


Visi ICF mengatakan bahwa ICF adalah “wadah mahasiswa-mahasiswi Kristen di Amerika Serikat untuk menciptakan intelektual Kristen yang mampu mengintegrasikan karya, iman, dan ilmu untuk memberikan dampak bagi keluarga, gereja, dan masyarakat.” Ada banyak sekali cara untuk mencapai visi tersebut. …

Big Picture and Gap Analysis (Presented in LM 2002)

********************* THE WHY ********************

Saya ingin mengunakan kesempatan saya dalam memberi gambaran besar posisi kita(ICF sekarang) kepada kalian pemimpin-pemimpin ICF untuk memberi pengertian dan sebuah ‘sense of urgency’ untuk LM kali ini.  Dan saya akan mulai dengan membahas hal yang paling menonjol, mendasari dan memotivasi dari semua bagian big picture ini.…

ICF Dalam Era Globalisasi – Leaders Meeting 2002

ICF Dalam Era Globalisasi – Leaders Meeting 2002

Aktualiasi Injil dalam kehidupan kita tidak pernah dapat lepas dari konteks kehidupan yang ada. Oleh karena itu di dalam usaha membawa Injil kebenaran Allah, kita perlu mengerti situasi konteks dimana Injil itu dikabarkan sehingga kita mampu merelevansikan Injil tsb. Sebagai suatu movement ICF memiliki visi untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam mewarnai budaya di Indonesia dengan kebenaran Allah, sehingga mau tidak mau ICF harus punya pengertian tentang peta konteks Indonesia yang komprehensif dan akurat .

Five Dimensions of Development on Campus Ministry

Five Dimensions of Development on Campus Ministry


Over the years, FICA has partnered with Indonesian Christian Fellowships (ICFs) in developing a framework for campus ministry. We are trying to answer the following questions. In a period of three to four years, what kind of preparation is needed to help students become agents of change after they graduate? What areas of development are important? What kinds of training and practical exercises are making a difference in their lives? How do we develop Christian mind that enables them to think and act biblically in all areas of life? How do we equip students to follow Jesus sincerely in the “real world” after they graduate?…

Five Dimensions (5D) and Contextual Mapping (CM): An Introduction

What is 5D+CM?

 It stands for Five Dimensions plus the Contextual Map.  It is a model that FICA adopts to empower Indonesian Christians to become agents of change in their community and society.  It identifies areas or dimensions where development should occur in order for a fellowship group to achieve its vision plus the need to understand the context of ministry, i.e. Indonesia and US.  While this vision may be slightly different from one group to another, it has common elements: (1) an evangelism aspect (i.e. sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in their communities), (2) a nation-building aspect (i.e. making a difference in the society around them, whether in US or Indonesia), and (3) an equipping aspect (i.e. preparing people who can make an impact in family, church, and society when they return to Indonesia or empowering people who can influence Indonesian culture and society with Christian worldview).…

ICF Functional Block

ICF Functional Block

Salah satu komponen yang paling penting dalam suatu organisasi adalah program-program yang dijalankan oleh organisasi tersebut. Tidak jarang bahkan program yang dijalankan oleh organisasi tersebut mendefinisikan atau membentuk persepsi masyarakat tentang apa sebenarnya organisasi tersebut. Misalnya kalau kita tinjau WWF (World Wild Fund), yang membentuk penilaian kita terhadap organisasi tersebut adalah program-program yang mereka kerjakan, misalnya demonstrasi terhadap pemburuan lumba-lumba, dan pelestarian panda. Tentunya sangat mudah bagi kita untuk mencoba mengambil kesimpulan akan apa sebenarnya World Wild Fund itu.…