Category Archives: Campus Ministry

ICF as a Movement – Leaders Meeting 2005

ICF as a Movement – Leaders Meeting 2005

Why is it that some ICF seems to be moving along as a movement and some are more stagnant? What are some factors that influence some ICF better than others? What does an ICF that striving well as a movement look like? This paper’s aim is to provide an observation about some factors why some ICF are growing as movements while some become more institutionalized. Throughout the paper, we will unfold together three factors that currently play major roles in ICFs: 1) vision/direction 2) reality check 3) strong work-force & leadership, as they are striving to grow as movements.…

Building Leadership Team FOR Personal-Based Ministry in ICF


Leadership is one of the most important factors in the success or failure of a ministry. This factor becomes more crucial as we adopt personal-based ministry as our ICF ministry philosophy. We believe that the leadership model that is best suit to the personal-based ministry philosophy is leadership that is run by teams of leaders, instead of single leaders for at least three reasons: the biblical reason, the practical reason and the ICF vision. …

Personal Based Ministry

What we have been given by God is something unique, blessed, our lives, are blessing for other people’s lives, etc. So how can we be responsible for with that kind of stewardship? Certainly we do not want to ruin or weaken what we have been given. But all the more, we want to strengthen and expanding them. In many ways also we are responsible to pass along or hand off what we were given to others.


Walaupun ICF diharapkan merupakan wadah persekutuan seluruh masyarakat Indonesia di USA, bacaan dibawah ini ditulis dengan asumsi bahwa ICF adalah persekutuan para mahasiswa. Mengapa kejelasan ini perlu ? pertama-tama adalah kenyataan bahwa dalam ICF, hampir semua partisipannya adalah mahasiswa. Kedua, ICF tidak mungkin menangani seluruh masyarakat Indonesia di USA karena keterbatasan waktu dan sumber daya. Kesimpulan dari kedua alasan tersebut adalah bahwa ICF perlu mempertajam upaya pelayanannya, sehingga resource yang terbatas itu dapat digunakan secara efektif.

Importance of Involvement in Christian Organization such Indonesian Christian Fellowship (ICF) in My Career. Leaders Meeting 2011 – Urbana

Recently, I am involved a little bit in the recruiting process for my company.  With the salary range we were given, we can only recruit fresh college graduate with little work experience.  We developed job descriptions and some information about the company and our division.  As resumes poured into my mail box, I am struggling to make my decision even to formally invite the candidates for interview.  Should I select them based on their academic performance, after school activities, social skills?  I don’t think I could choose base on a single factor alone.  I think well rounded person is better.  But, is this what the bible says?

Transforming World View to Produce Christian Nation Builder (Biblical Perspective)

This paper will talk about the definition of a Christian Nation Builder in the light of the Scripture in general and its characteristics. Then, we will discuss this concept in the context of ICF vision and core business. However, before we jump too far it is very important for us to have an integrated theological understanding that supports the concept of nation building. Without having an integrated theological understanding of nation-building, we might have a short-sighted view of its definition and implications, not even realize that nation-building is implicitly and/or explicitly commanded in the Bible. It is unlikely to go over the whole theological background behind the concept of nation-building in such a short paper. Therefore, we will limit our discussion into three basic Biblical categories of creation, fall, and redemption.

Sekilas gambaran kebudayaan Indonesia

Dalam UUD ’45 secara garis besar tertulis bahwa kebudayaan bangsa adalah kebudayaan yang timbul sebagai buah usaha budidaya rakyat Indonesia seluruhnya. Namun, Indonesia tidak menolak kebudayaan baru dari budaya asing yang dapat mengembangkan dan memperkaya budaya indo sendiri, serta mempertinggi derajat kemanusiaan bangsa Indonesia.

Servant Leadership

We have learned, through experience that the typical corporate model in the context of leadership is a pyramid.  The managers and leaders occupy the upper domains and the laborer lies on the lower regions of the pyramid. Perhaps the most radical opponent for this concept is Jesus Christ, In John Chapter 13, when it was about the time for Him to leave the world; he showed his final demonstration of love: He washes the disciple’s feet.

Latar Belakang ICF

Universitas seperti yang kita kenal sekarang ini adalah salah satu dari tujuh institusi penting ciptaan peradaban barat, yaitu : Keluarga, Profesi, Gereja, Economic Enterprise, Negara, Media Massa dan Universitas. Universitas, lebih dari yang lainnya, merupakan institusi yang paling berpengaruh dewasa ini dalam pembentukan nilai dan prilaku masyarakat (Malik, 1982). Salah satu kenyataan yang jarang mendapat perhatian yang selayaknya adalah fakta bahwa Universitas itu lahir dari Gereja. Ia adalah putera Gereja.