OMC 25 Recap: Reviving Faithful Indonesian Disciples

Dear FICA Family,

Deep conversations with Maruchan, Panda Express trays, warm debates, and “Aha” moments are just little pieces of what makes OMC dear to our hearts each year. Behind these tradition is a legacy of “long-distance” and long-standing friendships between generations of followers of Christ that makes every OMC so rich

This year is the 25th OMC, and as new FICA staff, we are honored to continue in the legacy of faithful men and women who has sought and are seeking Christ in every aspects of their life.

We have attached this year’s OMC report. We know that this ministry goes on after the conference – it involves those who came and who couldn’t come. It is built with prayers, HOURS of conference call, generous contributions, many Slack and WhatsApp chats, and the grace of Christ. Please read it because you are also part of it.

Full Version of OMC 25 Recap – 2018

By OMC Coordinator: Joey Budi



Attendees: 47 people from 16 states; 75% are students.

Speakers: Dr. Bob Osburn (Wilberforce Academy), Billy Mambrasar (Kitong Bisa), Dr. Kurnia Foe, David Susanto


Main Theme and Conclusion: Discipleship

At the 25th year of the founding of FICA, we know that in order to continue to see impact in the next 25 years, we need to focus on discipleship.


To Go in Immediacy

We learned that we need to be people who will Go at a moment’s notice when God ask us to. Example: Dr. Kurnia Foe’s dumpster furniture ministry, or David Susanto’s Uber-ride opportunity examples.


High-Performing Network

Through strategic discipleship, FICA can act as a High-Performing Network: highly-educated community of Christians, equipped with the same worldview, has the resource and capability to undertake a global-level problem.

FICA is one-of-a-kind as a longstanding nation-based Christian organization that strives to make an impact back in Indonesia (rare for international-student groups to act this way).


Social Entrepreneurship, Culture, and Sustainability

Discipleship through enterprises with a quadruple bottom-line: profit, employment, community development, and gospel advancement.

We learned from Billy as he shared his experience interacting with rising entrepreneurs in Indonesia; we were introduced to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

#evenyoucanmakeachange: Billy’s life story is a unique testimony of God’s sustenance – from Papua to Oxford! Billy is highly motivated to empower Papuan children to make a change in their society; we learned that an Indonesian, Papuan boy like him is capable of accomplishing internationally-recognized work.


Building Bridges

We are excited that even though FICA members and staff has been historically mainly Chinese-descent Indonesian, we are grateful for the new and continued friendships with even more friends from Papua!

We feel like we are seeing the beginning of a reconciliation of a long-standing wedge between lies and stigmas of a vs. attitude between two Indonesian ethnic groups.


Moving Forward

Resurgence of Indonesian students in US; revive campus fellowship leaders?

Disciple and connect friends going home to Indonesia

Establishing relationship between alumni

Again, thank you for your generous contributions through prayers, encouragements, financials, friendships, and any other resources you have shared.


Please continue to keep us in your prayers that we will remain steadfast in loving and serving one another, and that we can persevere in laboring for the Kingdom. We would really love to hear from you if you have any thoughts and comments for us. See you and talk to you all soon, hopefully in OMC 2019!