Author Archives: admin

Benefits of Serving in FICA

Serving in FICA is beneficial for Indonesian students and alumni in the US. it teaches us to walk by faith and not by sight. It challenges us to be courageous, a lifelong learner, and a movement builder. Finally, it allows us to seek and pursue God’s calling.


Why and what to do during discovery trip?

Discovery trip video 2 of 3: Why and what is the purpose of discovery trip?

The main purpose of discovery trip is to understand our identity as Christian Indonesian Intellectuals.  Without strong relationship with God and understanding our identity, we will never find God’s calling.  God calls us to do good works; that He has uniquely prepared us; and can only be achieved through Him.  Discovery trip takes us out of comfort zone, gather relevant information, and build crucial networks.  After the trip, we discuss and reflect on how God call us based on our identity, skills, information and networks.  

FICA Staff 2020

FICA Campus Ministry Intro Video

FICA is uniquely prepared by God, and has more than 35 years of experience in campus ministry. But, FICA cannot do it alone. Fica needs to partner and compliment the universities, local churches, our alumni, and faithful student leaders.

OMC 2019 Recap

OMC 2019 discussed the rise of a “new global religion” that emerges from the social justice movements and what Christians and the Church of Jesus Christ should do.

FICA New Board Announcement

FICA New Board Announcement

We are pleased to announce the addition of Mr. David Susanto and Ms. Yenny Chandra to FICA board.  With these addition, FICA has five board members. The other board members are Mr. Rinto Dasuki (chair), Mr. Johannes Setiabudi, and Mr. Leonard Winardi (president).  With the addition of Mr. Susanto and Ms. Chandra, God has strengthened…

Pemilihan Presiden 2019

Pemilihan Presiden 2019

  For Indonesian citizens in US, don’t forget to register to vote for the next presidential election.  The voting will be held next April 2019.  To check your eligibility, please contact your local Panitia Pemilihan Umum Luar Negeri (PPLN).  Website mereka adalah: Terima kasih untuk perhatiannya,  FICA admin

OMC 25 Recap: Reviving Faithful Indonesian Disciples

Dear FICA Family, Deep conversations with Maruchan, Panda Express trays, warm debates, and “Aha” moments are just little pieces of what makes OMC dear to our hearts each year. Behind these tradition is a legacy of “long-distance” and long-standing friendships between generations of followers of Christ that makes every OMC so rich This year is…