Author Archives: admin

2011 DT XVIII: Seeing a Modern Day Miracle: How God Uses Humble People with Limited Resources to Bless Rural Area

2011 DT XVIII: Seeing a Modern Day Miracle: How God Uses Humble People with Limited Resources to Bless Rural Area

FICA has been focusing on poverty alleviation especially in villages in eastern part of Indonesia since 2010.  We were convicted when we learned that majority of the poor in Indonesia reside in villages in eastern part of Indonesia.  From the data gathered in our 2010 discovery trips and annual meetings, we were convinced that we needed to conduct discovery trip in this area in 2011.  Particularly, we were looking for partnership with organizations serve the poor in this area. …

2010 DT XVII: Challenge in Developing Middle Class Outside Jakarta

2010 DT XVII: Challenge in Developing Middle Class Outside Jakarta

One of our objectives in this discovery trip was to study the economic potential of Western Kalimantan.  Beside the lieutenant governor and the mayor of Singkawang, we interviewed businessmen, scholars, churches, and community activists.  From the government point of view, Western Kalimantan needs to develop farming, mining, and fisheries.  These three sectors were developed to provide employment, and increase tax income, which would be used to develop the province. …

2008 DT XIII: The latent power of the middle class to expand the life space

2008 DT XIII: The latent power of the middle class to expand the life space

In the late 2008, we conducted discovery trip to understand the characteristic of Indonesia’s middle class.  This discovery trip was a follow up of OMC 15 that discussed the shrinking of life space and livelihood of Indonesians.  We found that Indonesians middle class was characterized by their purchasing power and their strong supporter of the elite.…

2007 DT XII: Advocating the Voice of the Persecuted

2007 DT XII: Advocating the Voice of the Persecuted

In 2007, FICA has been invited to be part of a team that prepared the testimony of refugees from various sectarian conflicts in Indonesia.  The testimony and facts were presented to the international body as well as US and Indonesian governments.…

2007 DT XI: Empowering Next Generation Leadership in Indonesia

2007 DT XI: Empowering Next Generation Leadership in Indonesia

We visited 5 universities (2 Christian based, 1 Muslim based, and 2 Secular-National based) and 2 high schools (Christian and government sponsored) in Makasar during our Discovery Trip in 2007.  Our objectives were to see the penetration of Shariah Islam into education system and to understand the condition of education system outside Java.…

2007 DT IX: Utilizing Businesses to Fulfill Cultural Mandate

2007 DT IX: Utilizing Businesses to Fulfill Cultural Mandate

In 2007, we were part of a team that conducted a study to assess the penetration, the influence, and the perception of Shariah law in Indonesia.  We conducted discovery trips to assess in 4 major public segments: economic/business, church, university, and government.  We focused our study in Makasar where the strongest push for the implementation of Shariah law existed outside Aceh.  We would discuss the summary our finding on economic/business in this writing.…