2009 DT XIV: Renewing Indonesians’ mind to build culture and develop nationalism

The focus of our Discovery Trip in 2009 was to understand the broad condition of the science and technology in Indonesia.  We visited scientists, government research institutions, companies, universities, and Indonesia legislative body (DPR).  We learn that Indonesia has enough talents and resources to conduct applied research.  However, we were lacking in purpose mainly because we were not proud to be Indonesians.  Our sense of nationalism was low.  As a result, everybody was out for themselves and mostly only focus on wealth.  Science and technology field was not spared.  Science and technology were used only for materialistic endeavors.  We did not observe a concerted effort to transform the mind, culture, and the nation.

Fortunately, we found one little gem.  We had the opportunity to visit Pt. Kandel.  The company was founded to reinvigorate the passion for learning science in children.  To do this, the company makes props and media that show that science is fun and cool.  The main focus at the time was developing basic understanding of science and math.  This understanding was achieved through improving the knowledge and developing the skills through hands on science experiments.

 dt 14


In the interview, we found that the company’s objective was beyond economic success.  The company wants to transform Indonesia thru science and technology starting with our children.  At the end, the company wants to build the sense of national pride.  It is a pride that is based on Indonesia being a glorious nation.  A nation that is living the vision of its founder stated in the preamble of UUD’45.

The 2009 discovery trip has convinced us that we could transform the nation through science and technology.  It is hard but it can be done when 1.  we solve the problem of the underprivileged population and 2. we impart understanding of the science and technology.  We need to show that we care about our fellow countrymen especially those who are underprivileged.

Over the course of 8 months after the discovery trip, we developed stove powered with solar and a complimentary science lab handbook for middle and high schools.  The stove was made in aluminum foil body to eliminate the cost associated with manufacturing (transportation, tax, and labor).  The handbook was designed to force more hands-on science experiment.  We strongly believe that the hands-on experience in conducting scientific experiments will lead to faster understanding and therefore more innovations.

The FICA staffs involved in this project had aimed not only to renew the mind but also to transform the culture and nation.  As a Christian, we were charged by God to develop the culture (Genesis 1) and to disciple nation (Matthew 28).  Part of our tasks in science and technology is to challenge the lies that sci-tech is boring and hard.  We need to show the nation that sci-tech is easy, fun, and can be used by everybody including the underprivileged Indonesians.