Category Archives: Perspectives

Dialoque with Indayani Moeljo

Indayani Moeljo was director of FICA’s Center for Strategic Studies that sponsored Overseas Mission Conference.  Indayani Moeljo went back to Indonesia in 2005.  She has been instrumental in many initiatives in FICA especially in the Discovery Trip Program and in Cross Point Publication.  She has been a dear friend and a good mentor for us serving in FICA now.  This interview was conducted in 2005.

Dialogue with Dr. Jurianto Joe

It is FICA’s vision for Christians to be a leader in the public space in Indonesia.  Specifically, we are called to equip Indonesian Christians in the US that have the same vision as FICA.  Those with the same vision would be first transformed thru biblical teaching and practice in FICA that to lead means to serve without regards.  Secondly, we seek to execute long term and transformative impacts to area that either lack of resources or attentions from central government.