Following up our interviews with the alumni, we went ahead to interview institutions and public leaders in the field of science and technology. Our intention was to combine both perspectives to have complete understanding on the context of our calling in Indonesia. We realized that the world has reduced vocation or calling into only economic sphere. One’s calling has been reduced to simply one’s job. However, this is not what God’s intention. 1 Corinthians 7:17 says, “Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him”. God has assigned us many vocations beyond the work he does in the office.
We chose to focus on science and technology (sci-tech) because both have proven themselves as critical instruments that bring human civilization to the next level. For example, the innovation of the internet has changed how people communicate, make decisions, collaborate, and entertain. We believe that sci-tech is one of the pillars in the development of a nation.
Bandung Technological Institute – one of the best technical university in Indonesia and Asia
Based on our interviews, we need three institutions, government, universities, and industries, to develop the science and technology of the nation. Unfortunately, we found that the level of cooperation between these three institutions was lacking. The funding for the state universities was low. The industrial research was conducted by mostly international companies and will not be openly shared.
After the DT, we realized that we need to develop scientists who are rooted in Christian worldview, understand the context map of Indonesia, have strong credentials, and willing to invest their lives on the younger generation. It is very important for us as scientist to evaluate the philosophy behind the scientific method to Christian worldview. We have to believe that science is a study of the order of the universe which God created. Therefore, the end goal of science is to worship God not self.
We also need to understand the context map and possess a strong credential. God does not want us to withdraw from the world when we are saved. He wants us to stay with the assignment that God has given us. Understanding the context will help us deal with the un-necessary pressure exerted in our immediate environment.
The strong credential is gained in two ways: accomplishing higher degree and transforming lives. We earned our credential. The easiest way to obtain a strong credential is by pursuing higher degree. The best way to obtain a strong credential is to mentor a person. When our mentee blossoms into expert or recognized as a leader in scientific community, we become more respected and more influential, and thus more credible.