FICA has been focusing on poverty alleviation especially in villages in eastern part of Indonesia since 2010. We were convicted when we learned that majority of the poor in Indonesia reside in villages in eastern part of Indonesia. From the data gathered in our 2010 discovery trips and annual meetings, we were convinced that we needed to conduct discovery trip in this area in 2011. Particularly, we were looking for partnership with organizations serve the poor in this area.
Matepe’s staff housing
Through our network, we found Matepe. Matepe is a non-profit organization affiliated with GKSS, Gereja Kristen Sulawesi Selatan. Its vision is to build self sufficient community through economic and social development. Matepe envision that self-sufficient community will be able to overcome challenges that hampering them to become middle class and seek the truth. They identified 5 challenges facing the poor in rural areas. The challenges are coming from political arena, sudden natural disaster (sometime epidemic and economic downturn), lack of political IQ, lack of education and training, and lack of healthy food and decent housing.
We visited one of their community development projects in one village in South Sulawesi as part of our discovery trip in 2011. We learn three important lessons during the visit. One, the development project has to be owned and initiated by the local people. Matepe took us to their weekly discussion with the villagers. Matepe acted as facilitator, trainer, and motivator. They did not suggest any project. The villagers came up with need to build a reservoir and irrigation system. Matepe brought in engineer to develop basic design. The villagers came up with the funding and built the reservoir themselves. Matepe staff trained them how to fix pipes and participated in the installation.
Pipe-Line Trenches
Second, the project has to be conducted in a community. Matepe trained several groups in the village on how to manage a small business and finance. They encouraged each group to form a cooperative to help each other in terms of fund, moral support, and labor. Some of the groups could improve and more importantly insulate themselves from unpredictable events, such as sickness, lack of rain etc. Furthermore, they could avoid borrowing money from loan shark which help improve the profit of their businesses.
Microfinance Group Formed by Matepe
Thirdly, we learn that God works through us. His work becomes greater when we humble ourselves and give all praise to Him. We could see miracles when we work only for His glory. We met the most humble group of people in Matepe. They worked hard with minimum pay. They have to live among the villagers away from their family sometime in weeks. However, we never sense any regret in them. What we saw were passion and energy to keep working harder. We asked them why. Their answer was revealing. They are fully believed they are doing God’s work because they saw so many miracles. Projects were being completed without outside funding. Churches were being founded in villages with 4 believers. They could build latrines, clinics, wells, and training facilities and curriculum in rural villages. Most importantly, they received no outside funding. All the funding comes from the donation of their congregation.
When we were with the Matepe staff, we could feel and see how our Lord Jesus would have lived if He was born in villages in South Sulawesi. Our Lord Jesus Christ would have walked through those villages proclaiming His Kingdom come with words and deeds. He would eventually be sacrificed so that the villagers could be saved. Similarly, the Matepe staffs have sacrificed so much for these villagers. One of the staff adopted 6 orphans from the village even though his salary is less than minimum salary and he needs expensive medical treatment. It’s a miracle that he could raise the 6 kids plus 2 of his own and put all of them through college.
This discovery trip has challenged us to open our eyes and to be willing to sacrifice for the poor in eastern part of Indonesia. We are convinced and convicted to serve them.