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Sekilas gambaran kebudayaan Indonesia

Dalam UUD ’45 secara garis besar tertulis bahwa kebudayaan bangsa adalah kebudayaan yang timbul sebagai buah usaha budidaya rakyat Indonesia seluruhnya. Namun, Indonesia tidak menolak kebudayaan baru dari budaya asing yang dapat mengembangkan dan memperkaya budaya indo sendiri, serta mempertinggi derajat kemanusiaan bangsa Indonesia.

Servant Leadership

We have learned, through experience that the typical corporate model in the context of leadership is a pyramid.  The managers and leaders occupy the upper domains and the laborer lies on the lower regions of the pyramid. Perhaps the most radical opponent for this concept is Jesus Christ, In John Chapter 13, when it was about the time for Him to leave the world; he showed his final demonstration of love: He washes the disciple’s feet.