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Transforming World View to Produce Christian Nation Builder (Biblical Perspective)

This paper will talk about the definition of a Christian Nation Builder in the light of the Scripture in general and its characteristics. Then, we will discuss this concept in the context of ICF vision and core business. However, before we jump too far it is very important for us to have an integrated theological understanding that supports the concept of nation building. Without having an integrated theological understanding of nation-building, we might have a short-sighted view of its definition and implications, not even realize that nation-building is implicitly and/or explicitly commanded in the Bible. It is unlikely to go over the whole theological background behind the concept of nation-building in such a short paper. Therefore, we will limit our discussion into three basic Biblical categories of creation, fall, and redemption.

Sekilas gambaran kebudayaan Indonesia

Dalam UUD ’45 secara garis besar tertulis bahwa kebudayaan bangsa adalah kebudayaan yang timbul sebagai buah usaha budidaya rakyat Indonesia seluruhnya. Namun, Indonesia tidak menolak kebudayaan baru dari budaya asing yang dapat mengembangkan dan memperkaya budaya indo sendiri, serta mempertinggi derajat kemanusiaan bangsa Indonesia.

Servant Leadership

We have learned, through experience that the typical corporate model in the context of leadership is a pyramid.  The managers and leaders occupy the upper domains and the laborer lies on the lower regions of the pyramid. Perhaps the most radical opponent for this concept is Jesus Christ, In John Chapter 13, when it was about the time for Him to leave the world; he showed his final demonstration of love: He washes the disciple’s feet.

Latar Belakang ICF

Universitas seperti yang kita kenal sekarang ini adalah salah satu dari tujuh institusi penting ciptaan peradaban barat, yaitu : Keluarga, Profesi, Gereja, Economic Enterprise, Negara, Media Massa dan Universitas. Universitas, lebih dari yang lainnya, merupakan institusi yang paling berpengaruh dewasa ini dalam pembentukan nilai dan prilaku masyarakat (Malik, 1982). Salah satu kenyataan yang jarang mendapat perhatian yang selayaknya adalah fakta bahwa Universitas itu lahir dari Gereja. Ia adalah putera Gereja.

Impact on Indonesian Health Care System

Imagine that you need to see a doctor in a health clinic or hospital.  You go to the website of your health clinic or hospital where you have been registered before and easily schedule your appointment according to your doctor’s availability on that day.  Or you can do a walk-in visit.  Within a few seconds after you confirm your registration at your health clinic or hospital, your personal medical record information is retrieved and prepared electronically for your doctor.

Dialogue with Sunny Tanuwidjaja

Mr. Sunny Tanuwidjaja is the Executive Director of Center of Democracy and Transparency (CDT).  CDT is a think tank that actively participate in educating the voters to elect leaders those are not corrupt, transparent, and professional (Bersih, Transparan, Professional or BTP) and in promoting new generation of leaders those meet the BTP criteria.  CDT focuses its effort in local and regional elections rather than national election, although it has involved in several research project in national election.

Dialogue with Rev. Rinaldy Damanik

Rev. Rinaldy Damanik has been a prominent figure in peace negotiation and reconciliation effots in Poso.  Rev. Damanik has suffered a lot during the conflict in Poso.  Poso (Central Sulawesi) had been in turmoil due to the civil unrest.  The conflicts in Poso occurred from 1998 to 2007.  The conflict was instigated by few extremist. Rev. Damanik was falsely accused on weapons charges and imprisoned in 2003.  All charges were later dropped and he was set free.  He was elected as president of GKST (Christian Church of Central Sulawesi) for the period of 2003 to 2007.  This interview was conducted in 2007.

Dialoque with Albert Suryo Sarman

Mr. Albertus Suryo Sarman is a social worker and a researcher in the area of human rights, poverty, and pluralism especially in rural areas.  The interview was conducted on 2004.