In Response to the Global Refugee Crisis: Comparison Study of USA and Indonesia
In Response to Global Refugee Crisis-Comparison Study of USA and Indonesia
In Response to Global Refugee Crisis-Comparison Study of USA and Indonesia
In September of this year, right after the OMC, some members of the FICA delegation made a trip to Washington D.C. along with one of the key speakers, Pak Christian Sohilait.
The purpose of this trip was to advocate for justice in a company that has been operating in East Indonesia for many years. In coordination with other human rights organizations, we managed to get in contact with several congressman and senators, seeking for a time to meet with them and talk about this justice issue.
We just finished our annual Overseas Mission Conference (OMC) last week. This year conference was held in Columbus, Ohio and was attended by more than 25 people. Almost half of the attendees are new. We were really glad meeting and connecting with our new brother and sister.
We are thankful for the leadership of Erik Tedjasaputra in this year OMC. Erik coordinated all the logistical details well that everything ran smoothly. We are thankful for ICF Columbus in hosting this year OMC. We also want to thank our speakers, Mr. Jamie Winship, Mr. Kie Eng Go, Professor Daniel Kameo, Mr. Christian Sohilait, Mr. Ivan Santoso, Mr. John Wood, Mr. Kris Pribadi, Mr. Moses Mangunrahardja, and Mr. Christian Darmahkasih.
All of us were born as an enemy of God, we all born as a sinner, yet we still come with well functioning eyes, lungs and heart; that is common grace. Donald Grey Barnhouse once mentioned that common grace is when we are not a believer in Christ and yet we are still out of hell; when we are not in hell, but we are on earth in good health and prosperity; when we are not fleeing as refugees along the highways of a country desolated by war; when we are able to put our hand in our pocket and give a kid a quarter or a half dollar for an allowance. It is common grace that we have such abundance.
Where does the church begin? Some believe that the bible defines church from the very beginning or from Adam and so on. Therefore, they include O.T. traditions in their practices. Others use the definition derived from N.T., where church started from the Day of Pentecost. They distinct N.T. church from the O.T. church which is Israel. The basis of the definition is primarily from Jesus’ teaching on the church, the epistles, and Rev 1-3. [McCALDeL02]…
Visi ICF mengatakan bahwa ICF adalah “wadah mahasiswa-mahasiswi Kristen di Amerika Serikat untuk menciptakan intelektual Kristen yang mampu mengintegrasikan karya, iman, dan ilmu untuk memberikan dampak bagi keluarga, gereja, dan masyarakat.” Ada banyak sekali cara untuk mencapai visi tersebut. …
********************* THE WHY ********************
Saya ingin mengunakan kesempatan saya dalam memberi gambaran besar posisi kita(ICF sekarang) kepada kalian pemimpin-pemimpin ICF untuk memberi pengertian dan sebuah ‘sense of urgency’ untuk LM kali ini. Dan saya akan mulai dengan membahas hal yang paling menonjol, mendasari dan memotivasi dari semua bagian big picture ini.…
TPM21 Presentation Decentralization in Indonesia By Philip Santoso
In mid June 2012, we sent our staffs to help and observe how local churches in Ambon dealt with refugees from flood and landslide. We learn a lot from this experience, however 5 lessons stand out. One, the church in general is not welcome in communities in Indonesia. This is mainly because the church is viewed as a disruptive outside force inserted into the community. They try to drive wedges between families, races, and groups, let alone with the local religions.…
We decided after the 2011 OMC to learn more about the culture and social economic of rural area in Indonesia. We found that majority of the people in rural area are farmers. …